Here are a few unpublished sketches/comics which I sent to Bryon as examples of my work pre-Happy Trails at If you haven't figured it out by now I have stepped down from my duties as the resident cartoonist at I thanked Bryon for giving me the opportunity and as I know he had high hopes for the comic series I can't help but feel that I let him down. I will always be grateful to him for allowing me to try although ultimately I, "Failed To Deliver" or FTD'd on what I had promised him. Unfortunately, after giving my all(including my talent, my available time, my resourcefulness) to the comic I came to the conclusion that I lacked a depth of knowledge and understanding of the "ultra culture" and "ultra scene" which the "Happy Trails" series needed to make it relevant to the iRunFar community. FTDing on my first job as a cartoonist is a bit disappointing but I am at peace with it because I tried my best, I learned from the experience and I am moving forward.