TIMER GUY plays a very important role in any race.
In fact a race can't even start until he shows up.
His job is to account for every participant no matter if they
finish FIRST, LAST or DNF so he takes his job very seriously.
Perhaps a bit too seriously in this case.
HA! Too funny!
Had our share (and then some) of DNFs, DQs, Off Courses, etc..
Ha! I'm done with those damn DNF tattoos!
Looks like we need to get UR guy and girl some arm excercises! ;)
Yes, I agree biceps would be nice but that could open a whole can of worms. There is a whole list of missing body parts- forarms, ears, noses, eyebrows, pupils. If I add one then where will it end?
I kinda like the stick arms!
Thats funny...a guy at work calls me "Twig" because of my stick arms :)
Then your "Guy" will definitly have twigs for arms however for your name how do you like "URG In Training" or "URGIT" for short. Now we need something for David.
I'd be honoured!
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